How do you know what effects the Lockdown is having on your body & fitness level?

How do you know what effects the Lockdown is having on your body & fitness level?

As we finish yet another week of Lockdown at home due to Coronavirus global pandemic, for New Zealanders we will find this such an unusual situation not to have access to the the outdoors like we normally do.

Even those of us who are not so active (and can't remember when we went for that last jog around the block), will still be finding that given how we are all supposed to generally be in and around our homes, that even our normal exercise (like walking the dog, or going up and down stairs at work), has meant that quite quickly our lives have become very stagnant all of a sudden.  

This is not very good news, and although there is light at the end of the tunnel (there is a chance that we might go into a lower level of Lockdown (level 3), the fact remains that we are all a lot more sedentary than we were four weeks ago.

How has this ACTUALLY effected our bodies?  Who knows, but wouldn't it be great if we had something that could actually tell us the difference between then & now in a easy to understand graph?  Well you can...

With the Picooc Fitness & Health body monitoring scales - each time you step on this very special device, it comes you to the previous time  you did it & even tiny changes in your body are picked up & ALL this information is recorded & provided to you on the Smartphone APP.

The amazing thing about the Picooc scales is that it is not only recording your weight (like old-school scales), but also things like: Bone Mass %, Glycerol fat levels (the amount of fat around your organs, that you cant see), Body water %, and many more! 

The whole ethos around the Picooc fitness and health monitoring scales is not to get you fitter in itself, it's not designed for that.....BUT it WILL keep you on track with your body & give you the motivation on a daily basis to do just a little better!

You can pick up your own set of quality Picooc Scales right now on Techoutlet & get started right now for a fitter & much healthier YOU!  We have them instock right now, so can ship straight away (as they are classed as an essential item):

Previous article Dispatch during latest COVID Level 4 Lockdown

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