Introducing The Warm Beanie that has a built-in LED Light your way this winter!

Introducing The Warm Beanie that has a built-in LED Light your way this winter!

This is one of the smartest products on the market right now - it's a beanie that has its own high powered light built right into the Beanie!

As New Zealand heads towards winter, the days are getting shorter & the air now is becoming much crisper in the evening, yes it's that time of the year once again.

So we have a great product that is designed to help you out just a little bit more, the High Powered LED Beanie+.

The light itself is very high power with upto 250 Lumens of power, and the light is built directly into the Beanie (comes in either Black or Grey), and is rechargeable so no need to EVER replace any batteries.
Secondly the Light itself is removable from the Beanie, meaning that if your fabric Beanie eventually gets manky and dirty - you can easily remove it to wash the beanie & then simply pop the light back into the Beanie afterwards!
The removable Light in the Beanie also means you can remove it - to enable recharging of the built-in battery, which simply charges in ANY USB Powered port.  this means you can charge the light in the car, or truck, or your laptop - this is super convenient!

 The LED Beanie comes with two different white LED Lights: a CREE LED for spotlight, and FOB LED wide illumination around the wearer, plus it also has a RED Light which reduces night blindness when you wearing the LED Beanies around others.

This industrial Grade Beanie has so many uses including DIY activities around the home in dark spaces, great for Plumbers, Electricians & other Tradies where its hard to hold a torch & also work at the same time - when moving around in buildings,  Industrial and factory situations, Farmers at night or early in the morning, and even dog walkers after dark!

You can purchase the LED Beanie+ right now on our website:


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