Amazing Savings right now on the INOKIM LIGHT 2 SUPER Electric Scooter
Right now we have a very special offer on the very popular Inokim Light 2 Super Electric Scooter in a very nice a colour scheme of BLACK with Lime writing!
INOKIM was the original manufacturer of Electric Scooters and are known for their original and unique designs and great colours!
The Light 2 Super Electric scooter is lightweight and yet has very good power of 350W meaning that it will keep up most hills that you drive it up! It has a top speed of upto 35 kph so is faster than most other scooters in the market that it compares with. It's range is upto 28km and it is super light at only 13.6kg - so it's one of the lightest scooters on the market meaning it is great for transporting in cars, and on public transport!
You can buy the INOKIM Light 2 Super right now for the very special price of $1599 - and is normally $1799, so that's a HUGE saving of $200! BUY IT NOW HERE
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